Black Box Theatre Company

Charlotte’s Web

June 17 - 21
Shows June 21 & 22
Readthrough June 10, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Taylor Moss

Completed Grades 5 - 8

Beginner Intermediate Advanced/Conservatory

Main Themes: Friendship, perseverance, growing up
Genre: Drama / TYA

The Children’s Literature Association named this “the best American children’s book of the past two hundred years,” and Joseph Robinette, working with the advice of E.B. White, has created a play that captures this work in a thrilling and utterly practical theatrical presentation. The costumes and unit set may be simple or as colorful and elaborate as you wish; it’s the story and relationships that make the show. All the enchanting characters are here: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig who desperately wants to avoid the butcher; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat who can occasionally be talked into a good deed; the Zuckerman family; the Arables; and, most of all, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be “a true friend and a good writer.” Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the “miracle” of her web in which she writes, “Some pig.” It’s the beginning of a victorious campaign which ultimately ends with the now-safe Wilbur doing what is most important to Charlotte. This is a beautiful, knowing play about friendship that will give your actors a great opportunity and your audience an evening of enchantment.

During this summer camp, students will be cast in a role based on their readthrough. They will spend the camp working on characterization and scene work for their character, as well as help with costuming, props, and sets. This is a great summer camp for students with some previous theatre experience who are curious about more in-depth character/scene work and the inner workings of a production (such as costuming, prop/set building, etc).

Your students must bring their lunch every day. Shows will be on 6/21 at 7:00 PM and 6/22 at 1:00 PM. 14 spots available.


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